Application for withdrawal from all courses must be made to the Dean of 学生 and any refund will be based on the withdrawal date. Your withdrawal date will be determined by the university as (1) the date you began the university’s withdrawal process or the date you officially notified the registrar of your intent to withdraw; (2) the midpoint of the semester (if you withdraw without notifying the university); or (3) your last date of attendance in an academically-related activity as documented by the university. 如果你在完成学期的60%之前退学, 你可能会收到学费和食宿费的退款.
The portion of your tuition and board charges you are entitled to receive a refund on is calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of calendar days in the semester to the number of calendar days you completed before you withdrew. (一学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息时间.例如:, 如果你完成了30%的学期, 你会收到70%的学费和食宿费的退款. 住宿费、房费或其他杂费不予退还. 任何学费退款将在30个工作日内发放.
If, 在任何时候, 爱荷华州的一名学生由于身体残疾而终止了高等教育计划 or spousal relocation to another city, the terminating student shall receive a refund of tuition charges in an amount that equals the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of the remaining number of calendar days in the school period to the total number of calendar days in the school period.
作为1998年高等教育修正案的一部分, Congress passed new provisions governing what must happen to your federal financial assistance if you completely withdraw from school in any semester. 这项政策的改变在2000年秋季学期开始时在华尔道夫生效. 该政策支配着包括联邦佩尔助学金在内的所有联邦补助金和贷款项目, 联邦珀金斯贷款, 联邦SEOG, 联邦学术竞争性补助金, 联邦SMART补助金, 联邦教育补助金和联邦直接贷款. 这项政策不影响联邦勤工俭学.
在一般情况下, the law assumes that you earn your federal financial aid awards directly in proportion to the number of days of the term you attend. 如果你在一个学期内完全退学, the school must calculate according to a specific formula the portion of the total scheduled financial assistance you have earned and are therefore entitled to receive up to the time you withdrew. If you receive (or the university receives on your behalf) less assistance than the amount you have earned, 你可能会收到额外的资金.
The portion of your federal grants and loans you are entitled to receive is calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of calendar days in the semester to the number of calendar days you completed before you withdrew. (一学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息时间.例如:, 如果你完成了30%的学期, 你可以获得原计划援助的30%. This means that 70 percent of our scheduled awards remain unearned and must be returned to the federal government.
- 无补贴的联邦直接斯塔福德贷款
- 补贴联邦直接斯塔福德贷款
- 联邦珀金斯贷款
- 联邦直接附加贷款
- 联邦佩尔助学金
- 联邦ACG补助金
- 联邦SMART补助金
- 联邦SEOG拨款
- 联邦教育补助金
- 其他联邦援助项目
一旦你完成了本学期60%以上的课程, 可以说,你的所有(100%)帮助都是自己挣来的. If you withdraw from the university (either officially or unofficially) before completing 60 percent of the semester, 你可能需要偿还任何已经支付给你的未赚联邦基金. Your withdrawal date will be determined by the university as (1) the date you began the university withdrawal process or the date you officially notified the registrar of your intent to withdraw; (2) the midpoint of the semester (if you withdraw without notifying the university); or (3) your last date of attendance at an academically-related activity as documented by the university.
如果你收到了多余的资金,必须返还给政府, 学校与你共同承担退还这些多余资金的责任. 大学要返还的多余资金部分等于以下两者中较小者:
- 剩余资金的全部数额,或者
- 你的总学杂费乘以未赚资金的百分比.
如果大学没有被要求退还所有多余的资金, 您必须退还剩余的金额. 你必须归还的任何贷款资金都必须按照本票的条款偿还. 如果你必须归还任何拨款, 法律规定你必须偿还的金额将减少50%. 这意味着你只需要返还你收到的多余资金的一半. If the return of unearned federal assistance causes any portion of your tuition and fees to become uncovered, 学校会给你开帐单的. 在这种情况下,您将被要求与营业处作出安排,支付余额. Refunds and adjusted bills will be sent to the student's home address on file in the Office of the 注册商 following the withdrawal. 学生 are responsible for any portion of the institutional charges that are left outstanding after Title IV and other funds are returned.
你返还的任何奖金都被认为是联邦拨款的超额支付. 你必须全额偿还到期的款项,或者与美国政府达成令人满意的安排.S. 教育部要偿还的数额. You must complete these arrangements within 45 days of the date of the university’s notifying you of your overpayment status or risk losing your eligibility for further federal financial assistance. 你可以联系美国.S. 教育部索赔科,电话800.621.3115.
如果学生在学期结束前收到机构经济援助付款后退学, the percentage calculated under the university’s formula for return of Title IV funds to the student's account will be used to calculate the institutional return of funds amount. 唯一不受此政策影响的机构基金是机构勤工俭学.
The portion of your institutional grants you are entitled to receive is calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of calendar days you completed before you withdrew. (一学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息时间.例如:, 如果你完成了30%的学期, 你可以获得原计划援助的30%. This means that 70 percent of your scheduled awards remain unearned and must be returned to 澳门网上博彩官方网站.
如果学生在学期结束前收到国家财政援助付款后退学, the percentage calculated under the university’s formula for return of institutional funds to the student's account must be used to calculate the state return of funds amount. The only state scholarship or grant program that is exempt from this policy is the State Work-Study Program.
学生 who wish to drop/withdraw from a course or withdraw from their program are encouraged to complete the course drop/withdrawal form located in myWaldorf 学生门户; however, 学生可以通过联系注册主任办公室以任何方式退学. 任何到期退款将在30个工作日内发出. 退课的学费退款是基于在线课程的退款政策. All students who drop/withdraw from a course after the drop date will be charged a 20 percent registration fee, 每学期最高注册费为150美元. Full tuition and registration fee will be refunded for cancelling a course within seven calendar days from the term start date. 退款将在期限内完成日历天的0%至60%之间发放, 符合法规要求. 因此, 退款资格发生高达60%的门槛, 在第五周结束之前. The remaining tuition will be refunded based on the course start date and the tuition percentage amounts listed below.
时间 | 百分比 |
第一个星期 | 100% |
第二周 | 80% |
第三周 | 60% |
第四个星期 | 40% |
第五周 | 20% |
第六周 | 没有退款 |
*此注册费不适用于爱荷华州居民. 学生不得在学期结束后退课.
时间 | 百分比 |
第一个星期 | 100% |
第二周 | 60% |
第三周 | 20% |
第四个星期 | 0% |
*此注册费不适用于爱荷华州居民. 学生不得在学期结束后退课.
If, 在任何时候, 爱荷华州的一名学生由于身体残疾而终止了高等教育计划, the terminating student shall receive a refund of tuition charges in an amount that equals the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of the remaining number of calendar days in the school period to the total number of calendar days in the school period.